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About Us

The field of education is one in which the intangible rewards far outweigh those that are tangible. The Jeremy Ranch Elementary School staff embraces the short and long term intangible rewards of working with children, which led to our unique mission and vision statement: The Jeremy Ranch Elementary School community believes "Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see" (Neil Postman). Jeremy Ranch Elementary School is committed to developing personal integrity and learning for ALL students.

Our commitment to all students is evident in our focus on Professional Learning Community principles. It is our teachers' willingness to collaborate for the benefit of students, and their emphasis on the results of their instructional strategies, that result in strong academic performance among their students.

Students and their families have an opportunity to choose between Dual Language Immersion in French or a focus on STEM education. Our students have a wealth of unique experiences outside of the traditional classroom, as well. From Music to Healthy Lifestyles to Media to P.E., as well as Coding, Visual Arts and more, our students have a broad palette of experiences to draw from, and many adults to support their needs.

The reputation Jeremy Ranch Elementary School has earned is a reflection of our wider community. Our parents clearly value education, and they support our school by raising funds for enrichment and by volunteering their time.