Parent/Student Handbook
Age of Entrance
By Utah state law, students must be five years old on or before September 1st to be enrolled in kindergarten.
Regular attendance in school is directly correlated with academic achievement. Please help us and your student by scheduling family travel during the numerous breaks from school. Also, our community’s health providers are happy to provide appointments in the afternoon, after school is dismissed.
Bringing Things to School
Toys, equipment, games, cards, etc. should not be brought to school unless a teacher instructs students to do so (such as show and tell or special events). Families will assume responsibility for the loss or damage if such items are brought to school.
Bus Transportation
Students are expected to follow the transportation department’s rules and regulations for bus safety. Drivers have the authority to cite students for disciplinary concerns that may result in a loss of bus-riding privileges.
Parents or guardians must check students out through the office. A valid photo ID is required.
Contact Information
We must be able to reach parents /guardians in the event of an emergency. Please provide the office with up-to-date contact information for yourselves as well as emergency contacts.
Dress Code
The following dress and grooming standards apply at JRES as a means of promoting safety, personal hygiene, and a strong academic climate.
1. Shorts must be of a modest length
2. Shirts may not expose the midriff
3. Apparel advocating alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or including inappropriate language is not allowed at school
4. Hats and hoods are welcome outside, but not inside during the school day
5. Outdoor recess happens daily at JRES, with the exception of unusually cold or wet conditions. Students should always be prepared to be outside
Students experiencing a contagious illness should not come to school for 24 hours after vomiting or if they require medication to reduce fever. If a student becomes ill at school, parents or guardians will be called to retrieve the student.
Utah law requires an up-to-date immunization record for all students in public schools. For personal exemption, a parent must file a form with the Utah State Health Department as well as the school.
The Park City School District has an “Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace” policy which requires permission to be given for any and all medications, prescription or over-the-counter, that a student may require in school. Please contact the school nurse if it becomes necessary for your child to take medication at school. Elementary and middle school STUDENTS MAY NOT CARRY ANY MEDICATION on their person.
JRES seeks to encourage social and academic behavior through Positive Behavior Incentive Supports. Incentives for students occur in different ways daily and frequently throughout the year.
Phone Use
Students are asked to keep cell phones and/or wrist phones in their backpacks during the school day. They may be used at appropriate times with teacher permission. If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call the office and we will happily assist (435-645-5670).
The Parent Teacher Organization at JRES provides exceptional assistance through financial and volunteer support. We welcome all parents and guardians to join the PTO and become an active part of our learning community.
Reporting an absence
Please call or email our office before 9:00 AM when your child is absent from school.
Safe Schools / Harassment Policies
It is the policy of the Park City School District to prohibit acts of aggression, violence, possession of a weapon (or look-alike weapon), and any criminal behavior on all PCSD school grounds, busses, and activities.
The Park City School District seeks to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment of any kind. Sexual or gender-specific teasing, foul or obscene language or gestures, or hazing are a few examples of behaviors that will not be tolerated in PCSD.
School Meals
The cost for breakfast is $1.90, and lunch is $2.90 per day. We do not offer cash transactions in our cafeteria. Meals may be prepaid online or in the school office. You may manage your child’s meal account by visiting
Supervision Times
We have supervision for students from 7:55 – 3:15 Monday through Thursday, and 7:55 – 12:45 on Fridays. To help ensure the safety of your child, please do not drop off before 7:55 AM.
Visiting Students
Only enrolled students may attend classes in the Park City School District.